Deb, who has had some caregiver experience, talks with Frankie, whose daughter lives out of town.
The little Blue Snowman is one I brought along - it sings I'm Singing in the Snow, taps its foot to the music, and moves the umbrella. I thought it would be cute for those in Arizona who remembered snow . . . everyone liked to play it.
Rico & Paul (or is it Patrick?) entertain us . . .
Rico & Patrick (or is it Paul?) entertain us some more . . .
. . . while Jopie, who has a wonderful talent for storytelling & an infectious laugh, tells one of the family stories about "way back when". My Mother remembers it all so well; it's just her very-short-term memory that has been affected.
I have since found out that she is taking Namenda, which is the newest medication available to slow down memory loss. Both Jopie & I had thought she was doing better; this was before we knew she was on this medication, so it must be doing some good.
I don't remember what the story might have been, but just looking at these pictures makes me want to laugh again. Maybe I should bring along a tape-recorder next time.