
Wade writes:

Riley is an absolute inspiration.
He has so much personality,
LOVES to play,
run around, enjoy himself, etc.
You might think that being blind
would slow him down a little,
or put a damper on his attitude,
but it does not even faze him.
He is a happy, spunky,
cool little guy.
I just cannot wait for him
to be able to see again!




When BJ's friend Wade Carter got out his guitar,
Riley decided to help and climbed into his lap

On 23 September, Peggy writes:

Yesterday I was outside with human grandkids & fur kids and
found to my astonishment that Riley reallllllly likes to play fetch.
I laughed & cried & wished I had a video camera to catch his antics.
The girls (human) were playing ' running around;
he was trying to find them, nose to the ground or
head high in the air trying to SMELL where they were.

Then I noticed that he was running along with Cody
& Mickey (a foster), trying to get the tennis ball.
He followed them wherever the ball went,
but of course couldn&t see it to get it.
When I gently threw it to him and it hit him,
he was so excited to get it, he pranced around me
and was having a great time.

So if any dog needs his sight back, it's Riley;
he wants to see so badly he can taste it.


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