On 7 October, Peggy writes:
Riley is doing great . . . he is just the funniest little guy I have had.
He loves to play and also give big bear hugs when he is resting in my lap.
I can't imagine what he is going to do when he regains his sight.
He runs through the yard like a little thing,
always with his nose to the ground or head
high in the air to see what little he can see.
Wish I could have gotten his surgery moved up,
but the schedule was full.
It is amazing how fast he is.
When he jumps, he wants you to catch him and hold him.
The only problem with that is that he is too darn fast.
His surgery is in 13 days and counting.
Have I mentioned he loves to eat?
He is like a little bulldozer when it comes to eating times.
He nevers chews; he gulps & swallows in a blink of an eye;
no pun intended, Riley.
He loves to sit in your lap and give bear hugs.
It's like he just can't get close enough,
so he wraps his front legs around my neck and then just lies there.
He is stealing my heart, to say the least.
When he is outside he runs around and barks at
what the others are barking at and doesn't
have a clue what he is barking at, just chimes in anyway.
He is the happiest little guy to be blind I have ever seen.
Can't wait until the 20th and will he be jumping?
Maybe not him, but I will for joy.
On 17 October, Peggy writes:
Can you just imagine how fast he is going to be when he gets his sight? Thank God he does come when called. He loves to play with the stuffies, especially when they have squeakers in them. He also loves to play keep-away.
He's beautiful! Good luck, little Riley; you've stolen my heart too!
He stole my heart in the little time I had him with me! Talk about jumping; he could jump high enough to catch frisbees! I miss him and yes, watching him outside is too funny. He runs & runs . . . love this little guy!
Thoughts & prayers on the way to Riley, in hopes that he will see a bright & shiny new future ahead of him. Thank you, Peggy, for caring so much for him.