Anne has begun the job of crate training and cannot believe how great they are doing in one day! (And people laughed at me when I said I thought OUR puppies were smarter then most.) Anne walks these little ones three timea a day and they love it! Last I heard, they were on their way to Lowes to get an estimate for the cost of a fence. Anne said it would be a shame for them not to have the freedom to run and play while so young. Plus she said they would feel safer this way! They are really enjoying the heck out of them, too . . . twice the enjoyment!
Pat said she & Des thought that, just from looking at her pictures, Fiona would rule to roost with their other dogs. Pat said the boys don't know what to make of her yet . . . and of course she isn't one bit afraid of them! Des calls her "Fearless Fiona." Pat thinks Spike is a little jealous and says it doesn't help matters any with her trying to eat their food. Spike actually was on the couch with Fiona and was almost close to her, but not quite yet! She's trying to engage the boys in play, but they will have nothing to do with her! I love how tenacious she is . . . remember, she was, and still is, the runt of the litter.
Joe & I do really miss them . . . only two more to go!
How empty our house will be . . . and quiet, too!
I'm so happy they are home for the holidays; almost made me cry. I'm very happy for all the pups. Great job, foster folks. Great job, CRUSA family!
Great job! Now, everyone has something to be grateful for this Thanksgiving!