4 SEPTEMBER 2010 | |
Bill writes:
Tim & I have received a lot of good-natured teasing about the possibility of "flunking" our first fostering assignment . . . and in a sense, we did, as we decided to adopt Rosie (no surprise to anyone who has read my previous posts), our first foster Cairn. BUT . . . and this is a big BUT . . . I think we have very sound reasoning behind our decision, which was made not without a great deal of discussion and the pro/con list that everyone should do when making a decision as important as taking responsibility for the well-being and health of a living creature.
I'm just mindin' my own business . . .
Rosie was in three separate homes before coming to us; I have heard all about how resilient terriers are in general and how well they do after great deals of stress and neglect. That does not take away one bit from the fact that this instability had caused Rosie to experience undue levels of stress, issues with socialization, appetite issues, and some difficulty with learning a routine. We decided that this sweet animal deserved much better than to be sent to yet another home, and earned her place in ours with her eagerness to learn and become a part of our household.
It was clear that Rosie, despite her skittishness & behavior issues, was trying desperately to learn still another routine in our home and become a part of the pack and she deserved for her work and desire to belong a chance to do just that; belong.
Tipsy has taken in Rosie as her own puppy, being very maternal in her taking the lead in the house, showing Rosie that she was OK either on the couch, in her new bed or eating & drinking. They play together like litter mates; and sleep cuddled together every single night. That kind of bond is priceless and we decided that both Tipsy & Rosie were receiving far too much from their being together to tear them apart.
. . . but if you wanna play, THE GAME IS ON!
On a more personal note, Tim & I agree that when we looked into this dog's big dark eyes, we could see the pain this dog had experienced and the desire this little dog had to please us, become a part of our daily life, and prove that she could "get" the daily routine and be the wonderful pet we know she really is. We came to love her as our own before we voiced our desire to keep her to each other.
So . . . our decision to adopt Rosie was made from a place of strength, not of weakness. It is our intent that she see the balance of her life healthy, happy and a part of a loving & nurturing family. It is our intention to foster more dogs in the near future, and we are convinced that the addition of Rosie really "completes" the picture for us and we are in the best possible position to foster (including let go of . . .) other foster Cairns desperately in need of help.
My seniority at my job (flight attendant) has finally been upgraded so that I am doing more involved trips and no longer on-call. I am not at home this weekend, nor is Tim (he's also a flight attendant), as this is of course a big travel weekend. Our landlord has been invaluable to us, as he loves our dogs nearly as much as we do and they absolutely love being in his apartment (that's where they are this weekend) hanging out with him and his two dogs so they are all together, well taken care of and spoiled rotten. Just as it should be. We are confident in the belief that the decision we have made is a rousing success, and we are looking forward to continuing our support of this wonderful organization.
Rosie was moved around a lot; thank you for seeing her soul and knowing she didn't need another transition! She is a sweet girl and deserves all the love she can get, and I know that not only has she found a forever home, she's found the PERFECT forever home!
Congratulations!! (and give that Rosie girl a hug from me!)
Now that I'm home, bathed, settled and fed,
Hmm . . . Yes there it is, right on the top -
I loved them, the others, the ones who left me,
Do you have the time to help me unpack?
-- Evelyn Colbath