The smell was returning, so it was time for another bath.
She is to have one two or three times a week; right now,
I'm opting for every other day.
She wasn't nearly as scared of the water this time;
only a few flakes are coming off, especially when I use a baby brush.
She smells better, of course, and is now sleeping in a nice clean dog bed.
I'm seeing new pink skin in some of her bitten spots.
She is doing a bit of running around the house,
mostly to get away from SweeTea's pestering her to play.
Sadee, all clean and fluffy
I did feel a lump on her chest that will have to be looked at
during her recheck appointment. Her left (stinky) ear is impacted
and will have to be dealt with then, too. Her left eye is still weeping;
she gives me no problem when I put in the ointment.
She may have dry eye, also, but we can only address one issue at a time.
She got cold and shivered
After today's bath, all the dog bedding and couch covers
had to be washed, too. We sat down for a well-deserved rest,
and for the first time, Sadee came onto my lap and stayed.
In fact, she fell asleep.
As I rubbed and petted her,
chunks of necrotic skin literally came off in my hands.
And she continued to sleep . . . .
Thank you so much for taking such wonderful and loving care taking of this precious fur child.
I can see a difference already in her skin! Poor Sadee was sent to you for a reason. You are certainly healing a lovely Cairn.