19 AUGUST 2009
Katie writes:
My former foster Scotty had a mast cell tumor removed today. He is about five years old. From what the vet told Scotty's new momma, these are cells which produce histamine in our bodies. Scotty was adopted about a month ago and had no signs of a tumor at that time, but the vet said these tumors develop rapidly. Additionally, the vet is fairly sure it is malignant. Please say a prayer or light a candle for a speedy recovery and also in hopes that the vet was able to remove all cancerous cells. We should know on Friday or Monday if it was cancerous, etc. Scotty is home now and resting with his family.
On 22 August, Katie writes:
Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers! I just spoke with Scotty's family and he is doing well. The vet called and said the center of the tumor was malignant. However all the surrounding area he removed was not so he did get everything. He did tell them that this type of cancer will come back, but not necessarily in the same area so they have to just keep a watchful eye on him in general and if they notice anything take him in. But for now all is good. Next Friday he will have his first training session with his mommy and a trainer which will be very exciting for all!
I'm forever blowing bubbles . . . my favorite thing to do!
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Updated 24 AUGUST 2009