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15 NOVEMBER 2006

Heather writes:

Nancy Ann seems to be doing really well, except for her front leg. She limped when she got here, but it seemed to get better. This morning, however, she's REALLY favoring her front leg, to the point where she's walking on only three. Because she limps on her back left foot as well, it's making it really hard on her.

Other than that, she's happy, friendly, eating two meals a day, beginning to take meat-type treats out of our hands (she doesn't like dog treats, peanut butter or cheese, but she likes ground beef, sausage & chicken).

Not much luck in the housebreaking department. She does stay dry all night, even when her crate door is open, but if I don't get her out RIGHT away in the morning, she loses it.

I can't feel any swelling in her leg, but her paw seems to be really sensitive.

Later that same day:

I just looked at her again, and her paw is now swollen. I can't see anything in it, and it doesn't have any cuts or anything, but it's pretty swollen.

I'm going to try to get her into my vet tomorrow AM, unless someone has a better idea, or has seen somthing like this before in PM dogs.

She slept most of the day today, but she sleeps a lot most days, so I didn't worry about it too much. She's still eating & drinking.

And the next day:

She had an infected paw. It was hard to see, but after we shaved it, you could see it was all swollen and pus-filled. So the vet gave her ABX, and she's licked it to death, and given herself a hot spot, but the swelling is down and she is walking on it just fine now. She has a few more days of ABX left.

Also she had some bacterial infections on the skin on her back, so we have some shampoo to scrub her with.

I think with good food, and attention and being clean, that will clear up quickly. They are going to send me a Coat King to groom her with, and that should really help as well.

She's so sweet.

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