Sinclair with Melissa at the vet clinic . . .
On Sunday, 24 June, Shell writes:
On Friday Sinclair received all his vetting & a neuter. Picked him up up Saturday morning and let him run in our yard for a bit before moving him on to Marge's. He is a LOVELY dog . . . very affectionate and very playful.
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Unfortunately, Skippy acted very aggressively towards him (god forbid anyone should get between Skippy and "his Molly") and had him on his back begging for his life. So it was a short visit. |
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Sinclair only weighs 11.5 pounds and is estimated to be a bit under a year. He has a beautiful, rough wheaten coat and is just a great-looking little guy who seems to love everyone around him.
. . . and with Jim: "Why'd they leave me out in the sun for SEVEN hours?"
I'm going to take a guess that he was previously owned by a man. He took an instant liking to Jim and when Jim walked out of the back yard, Sinclair let out a low "woof" and ran to see where he had gone.
On the way to Marge's house, with a wet, but clean, head.
The next day:
I talked to Marge on my way home this evening and she said Sinclair LOVES men. But he likes women too. She said he's a wonderful dog and he & Mickey have been playing together all day. I'm moving him tomorrow to Adam Peterson. He'll have a ball with him.
[. . . which is a purely-unintentioned pun, as Adam lives in the Wrigley Field area of Chicago -- ad]
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Updated 25 JUNE 2007