On the ship: the dining area, unpacking our dive gear


The ship is actually called the OMBAK BIRU,
leased to Aggressor as the Komodo Indo Aggressor.
It WAS a fine ship. It really needs MAJOR renovation in dry dock.
Is it a sailboat? Yes, for certain values of "sailboat".
It is really powered by one engine.
They use the sails mostly for photo ops as they tend to make the vessel list severely
and I know that AT LEAST ONE of the PORTHOLES LEAKS.

They did hoist the sails for a while on Sunday, put us in the tenders
and drive us around the ship so we could take some video and stills.

We did well most of the week as there was not a lot of stress
on the ship as we sailed around Komodo and Flores,
but on Friday, 27 May, we started the LONG REACH to Bali.
The ship BROKE DOWN THREE TIMES. AND we ran into heavy weather
(rain and wind) early on Saturday and the boat leaked like a sieve!
So we had to cancel dives planned for Saturday and Sunday
as we were not in place, or position, in time to make them.

As a consolation the owners allowed us to have one free item
of our choice from the boutique. Since the name was rebranded,
we also were given the dressing robes with the old logo on them
(Komodo Dancer).


Inside the salon (the area you see at the back of the previous picture); the railing protects the companionway to the below deck staterooms.


Looking left and across the salon from the entry door


REVERSE looking back at the entry door from the far side door

The water cooler in the center is where we refilled our water bottles as often as we liked.
It has a great chiller as part of it, also HOT water if you wanted it.
The tables were for eating inside if you wished (or if it was raining,
which happened only once.

Down the stairs to the lower cabins where I was bunked


My room


The hallway to my room; there are nine rooms down here, but two were in use by the crew

Cabin #4; my temporary home, mostly where I slept


As you can see it's a rather small room . . .


. . . with storage for one suitcase under the bed
(the dive bag was stored elsewhere).


You can see that there were hooks for hats and backpacks/towels.
One drawer each for clothes and some hanging space in the armoire.


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