Gr Gr


21 MAY 2008

Pat Bernard writes:

Swiffer®ing practice came to an abrupt halt yesterday when the newest member of the team thumbed her tail at the rules and hopped on the Swiffer®. Teammates tried to dissuade the relentless youngster but not before the Swiffer® became lodged between a rock and a hard place and broke apart.


Emma with her back to Cassie

Senior management is taking the situation under consideration before making a final decision on the penalties this team will have to pay. It doesn't help that said youngster was seen disassembling the broken Swiffer® into smithereens and although teammates stayed neutral they did nothing to stop the carnage.

One optimistic player did throw in a tennis ball to try to lighten the situation; later coaches were seen discussing the possibility of applying to Les Jeux de Balle Internationaux. Complications may arise due to no one speaking French; however. not speaking English doesn't seem to have affected the team so far, either.


Chloe & Cassie, pre-practice

I am trying to take pictures, but Cera is just a blur because she just doesn't stay still that much. She's really good, though, and our third night was great - we all slept until 5:45!! I had to leave her with Chloe this morning from 7:30 to about 12:30 - had to take Emma to the doctor - and when I got home everyone was just napping away.

Cera poops/pees on her weewee pads and doesn't mess the rest of her crate/condo. We had lunch in the backyard and she helped me bring in plants - although she chewed on most of them. Anyway, she's just a real joy and I will try to get more photos, especially one of Cera trying to kiss Emma while Emma is growling at her. Chloe and Cera like to play together but since Chloe's not herself lately the play isn't as rigorous as it used to be.


Gr Gr


22 MAY 2008

Due to the Swiffer®ing incident, we have a new team - Midwest Sisterhood of the Hoover® - we just had our first practice and so far things are looking up and equipment failure should not be an issue (at least for a while). Cassie/Cera is learning to be calm when in her crate/condo, [there is] continued improvement on the potty training (I am thinking of investing in the Weewee Pad market), [she is] showing interest in big girl RAW diet (sniffing empty bowls), reluctantly walking to the end of block, excitedly walking back home. Senior management is talking restructure, specifically junior trainee.


Senior Management Emma

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