Anim Gr


27 MAY 2008

Shannon writes:

Chloe is fine; sassy as all get out, but, oh so adorable!! I am really enjoying her and her puppy antics. I forgot how much fun it is to have a puppy, and all the work that goes with that!

Guess whose heart she's stolen . . . Joe's! He carries her all over the place, talking to her. Puts her in bed with him at night and then when I come into bed, I get to put her in her kennel. She follows him all over the house too . . . pretty cute to watch.


Maggy & Chloe take a nap


Maggy is tolerating her . . .
Chloe likes to grab at her facial hair,
crawl all over her and nip at her legs.

Mr. Grumpy (Mickey), on the other paw, just growls at her and she drops to the ground and slinks over to him hoping he'll play, but no way!!


I took her with me to my daughter's last night; Charlie, my 3-1/2-year-old grandson, loved her! And my grandpuppy Bently wouldn't even look at me he was so upset I had another dog . . . but after about two hours, he initiated some play with Chloe and she was soooo happy. Round and round the dining room table they went. She got so tired all she could do was try to bat him with her paw as he zoomed by . . . really funny to watch that!!

By bedtime Bently, Chloe & I were all snuggled on the couch together . . .
I had one in each arm and yes, I was in heaven . . .
you know me and my love of dogs!!

She loves the [INNOVA PUPPY] food. What I do is put it out and offer it to her throughout the day. I keep it up so the other two don't get it. Sometimes she eats a lot, and other times, hardly any. She is having diarrhea from the parasites she has, but not all the time.

Potty training is OK, but not anywhere even near to her understanding what she's supposed to be doing. I take her out and she will lie down & stretch, roll over, etc.; everything but go potty! It's a work in progress . . . and she absolutely hates the leash and walking, too! But she is still a puppy and in good time will learn . . . .


Boy, I sure could get attached to this one pretty easily. . . mmmmm . . . don't I say that with all of them, though?

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