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16 AUGUST 2008


Paul with Ginger & Evie
Karen with Dixie & Kayla
Gayle with Mollie & Trixie
Sandy with Lacey on the steps

Gayle writes:

Well, we held our own little Cairnfest today at our house. Paul Lane came down from Michigan to chose a new little girl to keep his Evie company.

Sandy Arnold brought Ginger, whom she has fostered for three months; Karen Slane brought Kayla, whom she has had for three weeks; and we have had Lacey here with us for the past two months. All three dogs were available to Paul. It actually took him a couple of hours to make up his mind . . . kind of like having too many wedding dresses to pick from . . . hard to choose.


Seven, yes, count 'em, seven Cairns
In back, l to r: Dixie, Trixie, Lacey, Ginger
In front, l to r: Mollie Kiesow, Kayla, Evie Lane

What a great visit for us all; the dogs did great together - not much playing but enjoyed each otheršs company & smells. Coffee cake from a great bakery; coffee and tea and a beautiful day on the porch. No better people to spend time with than Cairn people.


Paul holds his first CRUSA adoptee, Evie
Sandy holds her foster, Ginger

While Bob & I babysat the kids, Sandy & Paul took off to see our beautiful Grand View Drive in Peoria. Thank you, Sandy for the tour; I'm sure Paul enjoyed it.

So the house is quiet, well, as quiet as it can be with five dogs; everyone is ready for a nap.

Thanks to our great foster moms for their time today and the way they love & care for these girls.

Shell writes:

Bob & Peggy Jackson of Missouri . . . Paul Lane & Jim Boyd of Michigan and Kathryne & Gene Brooks of Michigan all adopted CRUSA dogs this weekend!

Last night, Bob & Peggy welcomed
one-year-old Truman into their home . . .


. . . Paul adopted Ginger, his second CRUSA Cairn . . .


. . . and the Brooks family adopted Terri,
of the APRIL SHOWERS Rescue Mission.

All three dogs came to CRUSA from the Missouri mill system and we're so pleased that they are now in their forever homes.

A huge thanks to the new parents . . . to the Joyces . . . the Arnolds . . . and the Guthrie/Artunas for fostering these wonderful dogs. And a big hug to Gayle & Bob Kiesow for hosting a "Cairn party" this morning so that Paul could meet all the area-based Cairns.

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