21 MARCH 2008
This year, the first day of Spring was 20 March. Good Friday & Easter are the earliest they have been since 1913, and they won't be this early again until 2060, by which time, I hope, all these snowstorms will have ended.
Despite Mr. Scuba's goal in retirement to travel ONLY when schools were in session, his first dive trip is taking place right at Easter Break (actually, his second dive trip. His first was canceled due to knee surgery. His.). And in a snowstorm that began at 7:15 a.m., continuing until after midnight, dumping over 12" of snow on his plans.
Undeterred, Mr. Scuba continues to pack his dive bags. Daisy2Legs thinks that 'cause she's black, she'll blend right in and no one will spot her stowing away . . .
. . . she even has goggles so she can go snorkeling . . .
. . . because to her, chasing fish is no more "out of her reach" than chasing birds, chipmunks, Stew the Rabbit, squirrels or field mice. This dog doesn't realize she can't walk or fly; she probably would try to swim, too, if given the opportunity!
Cari's method, OTOH, is to stare longingly at her Pops,
Neither method works, however, and he makes it to the dive shop; the dive shop van makes it to O'Hare Aireport that evening, and Saturday morning, almost on time, they leave for Grand Turks.