22 DECEMBER 2009
Violetta writes:
Tiny Tim went to the vet today. The x-rays confirmed that he has a grade 4+ luxating patella in his left leg and a grade 3 in his right leg. Luxating patellas are graded 1 to 4, with 4 being the worst and are hereditary. The scratches in his belly were probably from dragging his body when at some point he couldn't walk from the pain he was in; he is now on Rimadyl which helps control his pain. His hips are ok.
He will need two surgeries, six weeks apart.
In addition to the luxating patellas, he may have torn cruciate ligaments. The doctor will not know until he actually goes in. He will do the left leg first as that is the worst of the two.
Tiny Tim also had the longest nails I have ever seen in a cairn. They were over 2/3" long. My vet cut them half way and will cut them further to normal size during the first surgery. He couldn't cut them further today because the quick was very long too.
Tiny Tim was a really good trooper and did not complain one bit when my vet examined his legs, even though they are painful.
We've scheduled the first surgery for Monday, 28 December.
That poor little soul must be in such pain; I cannot wait to see his picture after his grooming. Tell Violetta to give him lots of licks from Kelsey, Dugan and CRUSA Rescue Logan . . . .
I don't blame TT for getting a bit cranky with grooming; he has gone through so much, he is allowed a bit of crankiness. He will feel so much better once his legs start to heal and get strong again. Good luck keeping him quiet. I am so glad he found CRUSA.