
Looking North toward Neiafu

Friday, 25 July (in USA)
Saturday, 26 July (in TONGA)

It started out as a beautiful day, and plans were to go in a different direction than the last two days, south past Monu Island (where Marcella, Jeff & Lori stayed when they were out here). However that's not what happened.


David the Kite & Veni the Captain

Three other watchers showed up - Scott & Sally - two former Californians who had recently ditched life as consumers in the fast lane to come out to Tonga after retirement, and a Dutch lad whose name I never got.


Scott & Sally Richards - recent ex-pats from California

Anyway, we set out in the fast boat and had not gone too far when the portside outboard started knocking and missing terribly, so Veni turned the boat around back to the dock and transferred all our gear to the slow boat (a pontoon) which had just yesterday had the steering cable replaced.


Veni prepping the slow boat

While all the above was going on, Scott & I were talking about common things like, how long are you here, what brought you to Tonga, yada, yada, yada.

The slow boat never leaves the dock. All of a sudden Janine announces "Sorry folks, but we have to cancel today - we'll give it another go tomorrow."

It turns out tomorrow is the Dutchman's last day; he's flying out at 6 p.m. So today we are going to set out an hour earlier than usual in order to be back by 4 p.m., so the Dutchman can catch his flight to Tongatapu.

During my talking with Scott he shares that he has a new iMac (the second Mac on the Island), and is having trouble sending photos home to friends & relatives. I share that I'm an IT guy and have my own Mac and been sending photos home. He suggests that if I have nothing else to do, I ride with them in their van to tour the island, go into town and shop (I need more provisions), and end up at their home to school him on the iMac.

Sounds like a plan to me! A fair barter: their wheels and some beers for an afternoon's tutoring in iPhoto and iWeb. So I pack my stuff and off I go. Had a wonderful time with two new ex-pats (they have only been out here two weeks). Share some stories and work with them. Head into town to watch the sunset from The Mermaid Bar and have dinner next door, then home.

In my hurry to gather up my stuff and go, I forgot to bring my camera so no new pictures today. But they have invited me back on Sunday for more whatever, as the only thing running on Sunday is church & the tourist operations.

When I get back home it's completely dark, Jeff & Janine are gone, having left a candle burning at the top of the stairs and on my deck. How romantic right??? Nope - power's off - no lights, fan or internet - that's why you didn't hear from me yesterday afternoon. Oh well, off to bed, tomorrow's another day.

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