16 FEBRUARY 2009
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Kirk Nims writes:
The Airedales are now on the safe side of Melbourne.
Sue was weepy telling me about how GREAT they have been and how they seemed to KNOW what was going on and that things were being done to protect them.
They are both exhausted; I could feel the exhaustion in their voices. Little wonder. They are tired, but not beaten.
Bill will tell Sue about the funds that they have at hand now in their PayPal account. He was in a rush to get Sue on the phone and I stopped him and told him that I wanted to talk to him for a bit first. I could tell by Bill's voice and the way he thanked me that they can use this help you have given them. They have not been able to work and there have been expenses above and beyond the ordinary.
They know that they got lucky and survived this last fire storm. Fire protection work that they had done did work and they have now done more work for further fire protection.
They worry about weather changes and some fires still burning that could come back through their area again given the right circumstances.
On a positive note, Sue is working with Porscha, of Help for Wildlife, on wildlife feeding and rescue work. Wombat Bend is now a wildlife rescue depot and there are birds, kangaroos, wallabies, etc. coming in for food and water now that their normal food sources have been burned over.
Porscha holds Zima in 2006
Little Forrest's Auntie was one of the first of their wombats that Sue saw after the fires. She was sitting outside of her burrow looking about as if thinking, "What has happened here?!" Sue is feeding the wombats their special food and what is I take to be hay of some sort.
Sue & Zima in 2006
All of the Wombat Bend wombats are safe and accounted for.
Dan Joyce is making plans to go back up again to help them next weekend.
My parting shot to Sue was that she needs to get to a computer to do what Bill will tell her about. She began to protest a tad so I told her that she just has to get online for a bit somehow, somewhere.
In a few short days, it will be five years since we were last at the table at Wombat Bend for a meal and to enjoy their companionship.