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On Sunday, YVONNE MICHALAK writes:

After leaving for WOTA last Thursday, Branagan,
Miss Georgia & I arrived home this afternoon.

We had an incredibly great time!

Although neither ADT qualified in the Junior Hunter Fur Test
last Saturday, they both tried hard. They just couldn't
pick up the scent about halfway! Guess we need to practice
on small hillsides next with the scent "pooling" at the bottom.
Once you start tracking with your dogs, you certainly never
look at a piece of land in quite the same way again!

Monday, Branagan & Georgia were quite successful in the
Fur Workshop, which was a good motivator for them.
I watched some of the water retrieving tests afterwards,
and thought the 'dales worked quite well -
even the Hoooman Dale got wet this year!

On Sunday, Branagan worked enthusiastically in the fields
and did very nicely with his retrievals.

Tuesday, Branagan took the day off from his OBEDIENCE work
and NQ'd early on. Guess he had his mind made up
before he went in that he needed the time off!
The Airedales in Open A & B did well in their sits and downs,
with the exception of one who went running in between all the others!
No one got up with all the commotion - amazing!

On Wednesday, Georgia & I had one of those AGILITY runs
in which you feel like a real Team working in perfect synch!
We have worked very hard this winter on those tight circle turns
and it showed that day. I was very surprised to find out that Georgia
had won High In Trial and absolutely ecstatic!
That beautiful trophy was donated by Dianna Fielder,
Chairperson of ATCA Agility. in memory of her Teig.
There was also a beautiful cup, a pewter bell, and a lovely engraved plate -
along with an embroidered fleece blanket and a duffel bag
from Purina with coupons for dog food. Had a tough time
reorganizing the van for the trip home! We had a lot of pictures taken
and I bought a lovely tapestry photograph album for all the 8 x 10s I ordered.

The RESCUE PARADE brought a tear to many Airedalers' eyes,
as each 'dale was introduced with a short biography.

The COSTUME CONTEST was wonderful - such creativity!

And the fun games brought laughs and smiles to all.

Georgia & I helped with the CGC test - she was the passerby dog
on the "stop-and-talk-to-a-friendly-stranger" part of the test.

I met some new friends at both Hospitality and on the fields,
leading to some interesting dinner conversations.

The DRILL TEAM was a privilege to be a part of again,
and Linda Cunningham worked Georgia, who was happy to find
a handler with an endless supply of cookies!

This week was an incredible feat of organization and it was
especially nice to have all Airedales included -
there surely was something offered to every Airedale & owner!
I especially enjoyed meeting Sara & Sophie, Barb Oimas,
Sue Forrester, & Mary Barker,along with many other folks.

Airethanks to All who helped with this great Event!


On Monday, LYDIA ROSS writes:

I have had a few requests for the patterns I used to make
the Airedale jacket that I wore at WOTA.

These could also be used for silhouette patterns.



Photo and caption provided by Lydia Ross

Had a great time at WOTA, got to meet folks from the list
and put names and faces together. Such a whirlwind week
that I honestly can't remember all the names, faces,
dogs, etc. . . . and, of course, just not enough time to really
visit and do everything.



Photo and caption provided by Lydia Ross

Congrats to all the winners of obedience, parade, costume, hunting,
conformation etc. . . . and just thanks to all who participated
to make it such a fun event, even if they didn't win . . .
it was GREAT entertainment.


Cash Dewar at WOTA sitting for his winning Salmon Snap Kookie

Photo and caption provided by Lydia Ross

Cash was a little surprised to have his winning Kookies delivered
to him personally by me! I got big kisses for that!


On April 16, SUE FORRESTER writes:
Back home from WOTA

Back home in Australia, yes, but what a huge chunk of me
I have left behind in America.

Although I landed in Melbourne on Sunday morning,
to a tumultuous welcome from Bill and the As,
I feel I've been juggling balls in the aire for days.
Apart from attempting to keep my head more or less in the same space
as my body, there have been a multitude of business issues
to catch up on and deal with - and every night I've
promised myself I will write to the list, but every night I've
struggled to find the energy and time to do it.

Thankfully, you have all heard by now of the many joys of WOTA,
and seen on Andréa's pages all the delights of each day.
It was a week to remember forever, made all the more memorable
by so many familiar names materialising into real people.
And although we know that so many of you were simply
not able to be there, it seemed as though you all were.
There was so much airespirit and airepower surrounding us,
I have no doubt it came from all of you.

From the moment I stepped off the plane in Detroit,
after 26 hours in transit, to be met by dear PattI & Ken Eisenbraun,
to my very last moments on American soil two weeks later as
I left Los Angeles, I have been in a state of unbelievable joy.
A lot of tears too. A lot of hugs, and a lot of big wide shining smiles.

And there is so much to tell about those two weeks,
about the people who shared their time and themselves so warmly
and generously with me, about the dear Airedales who filled
each of our days with their black & tan lovingness,
making each greeting even more special - and the America
that I saw and loved - well, if I were to write it all now,
I'd still be writing tomorrow. And the next day. And the next.

A million thank yous to each and every one of you,
for being there with us, whether in spirit or in body.
There are few moments in our lives which can be lived with
such a strange intensity, with an all consuming energy and
a sense of being vitally and totally alive; when they do come along,
the euphoria cannot be compared with anything else.

Well, maybe with falling in love.
Which is really what happened to me . . .
I fell in love with special Americans,
and with the special America that I was shown.

And that is why, in coming home to my own sweet family
in my own beloved country, I know that a big piece of me
has been left behind in another land, with other hearts.

But in return, all the images of that land, and all those dear
and kind hearts and shining eyes, and BIGBLACKNOSES,
have travelled with me. I can touch them and feel them forever.

Thank you, all of you, for making me so welcome and for sharing
so much with me. It was the best two weeks of my life.


On 1 May, MARY GADE writes:

Here is a picture of the lovely wall hanging Linda Bell made for me.


Photo and caption provided by Mary Gade


STOTTS writes: Better late than never!

I'm glad you all enjoyed the pictures!

What a thrill it was to see all those Airedales in St. Louis and
it was great to put faces to names of people I'd only "met"
or corresponded with via the internet. I thoroughly enjoyed
the WOTA and will always cherish the memory of the dogs,
the activities and the wonderful Airedale people
I met from all over the world.

Looking back, I think the most heartwarming time for me was the
PARADE OF RESCUES, especially when a dog's name
would be announced, the dog would be absent,
and someone would shout out, "Been adopted!".
Those two words - "Been adopted!" -
brought cheers and smiles and no doubt gave a lot of people
a warm fuzzy feeling.


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